Our giving changes lives and communities, and demonstrates our understanding that God is the provider of everything.

Money and church can be a touchy issue - but it doesn't have to be. We don't give because God needs our money, and we don't give because the church needs our money. It's much bigger than that. We give because God asked us to and following through shows that we trust Him wholeheartedly.
Online Giving | eCheck, Debit, or Credit card donations can be made using SecureGive. You can give online or download the free SecureGive Vision app through the App Store or the Play Store.
Please Note: If you use BRCC's Online Giving, please consider using eChecking for two reasons:
While many people pay off their credit card balances monthly, many do not, enslaving their finances (Proverbs 22:7). We do not encourage debt as a lifestyle. If you have debt problems, please do not use your credit card to give to BRCC.
​Transaction fees come directly from tithes and offerings; eChecking costs us less than a debit or credit card.
Offering Boxes | We have offering drop boxes near the main entrances of our church for cash or checks. If you prefer to give cash and would like a tax receipt at year end, cash envelopes are provided. Please include your full name and address.
All giving, electronic or otherwise, will be reflected on your year-end statement. Please make sure we have your most recent name and address preferences. If you have questions please contact Bruce Lippold.